A Tricky Place at Night

A Tricky Place at Night

This strange scene comes courtesy of Doodle challenge #2, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.”  I’m not entirely sure about the good or the evil.  Though it’s true the flowers do have convenient smiley faces.  And the carnivorous plants have sharp teeth.  But looks can be deceiving, and all that.

4 thoughts on “A Tricky Place at Night

  1. Strung Art

    Hey Cindy! Followed your link, glad I found your blog! I am really enjoying your stories with your artwork, really fun and adds another dimension. I love the flowers with teeth in this one, very cool :) What programme do you use to make these?
    Suzy x

    1. The Beast Tender Post author

      Hi Suzy and thanks for visiting!

      I hand draw all the creatures with various sizes of Micron drawing pens, mainly on Bristol Board, then I scan them in and sometimes do a little bit of editing and do all the color in a program called Paint.Net. It is kind of like Photoshop-light, and is free (hooray!). I haven’t really spent the time to learn anything too fancy with the color yet.

      I’m still not sure about this drawing. The challenge prompt was so much more complicated than the Bee one last time, and I ran out of time. But I think the challenges are pretty cool and probably help get us out of our comfort zones.

      I’m so glad this new team was set up. I’m meeting all kinds of neat new people and finding their neat blogs. (I’m really new to the blog thing, way behind the times.) :D


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