The topic this week at Illustration Friday is “Lonely” and there are few lonelier than the Celestial Maidens. Whether walking the stars or talking to planets, they walk the heavens and rarely meet. These are the final two in a group of four created for a swap at The first two can be found in my last post.
I joined that swap as a challenge because I so rarely do people of any kind. But I had so much fun I decided to embark on a new project called 100 Maidens. I figure after 100 I will be much better at drawing women, at any rate! It’s not 100 in 100 days or any madness like that. Just 100 in the next year or so, hopefully a really nice variety (and not 100 young, beautiful blondes, for instance). I’ve got a Flickr set created to collect them.
The one below was created for a trade by someone who liked the second maiden and wanted a version with warm colors. Thanks for visiting!
[portfolio_slideshow size=large]
Only 97 more to go-what a project!! Go Cindy!! Love, Mom
Bah, only 95. :P
Wow, Cindy, these are extraordinary! Yes, that’s the first thing I thought was how you have said you don’t normally do people. Great concept for the topic.
What a fabulous idea Cindy! AND you´ve traded one already! Yeah!
Good luck! 100 maidens sounds like a mighty challenge, indeed.
Really great idea, never would have occurred to me. I love the varied ethnicity of the first three. Exciting project. Looking forward to the next bunch:)
Amazing shapes and colors. I love how you include process shots. I am always wanting to do that but get so wrapped up that I forget to take them.
– Brandi
Lovely maidens, all! Your colors and patterns never cease to be fun…no matter the subject :)
I like these beasts!
I would’ve never thought to put a pattern on a blue face like that. Fascinating! I like the international aspect too. Looking forward to the next 95 :)
Beautiful creations! :)
My favorite is the veiled maiden. Mysterious. The swap sounds fun!
I look forward to following along on this journey!!
You’re very good at drawing women. Looking forward to seeing your other creations.
Lovely consistency with your style… works very well with people too :)
it’s a pitty that this maidens are alone because they are so so so beautiful!!!
Thanks for your visit and comment! Your work is very cool!
I’m glad to see you working the human figure, I assume as you march along on your Maiden Century that you’ll include the full figure as well.
I like how you’re starting to show the in and out of the forms like cheek bones etc.
–and I agree, by the end of the set you’ll have made leaps and bounds.
happens to me all the time.
great feel
I think there’s nothing like giving yourself a challenge. Go for it I say! I particularly love Celestial Maiden Fara. She’s very mysterious and has beautiful eyes.
Wow, what beautiful Maidens! They are mysterious and captivating…I look forward to seeing the rest of the clan.
Love them all, but I think I like the “blue” maiden the best. She seems to be the most etherial to me.
Lovely style, keep it up!
Great project Cindy looking forward to seeing more :)