People of the Forest Art Cards, Group 2
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″, Copics, Microns, Staedtlers and Signo Uniball gel pen
Top row: Silver Pixie Princess, and Bear the Wise
2nd Row: A Flower Fairy, and a Fae Tracker
You may recall I was on a bit of a tear with Dog Art Cards for a while (and to which I will yet return!) At the moment, if you hadn’t guessed, it’s this fantasy/woodland theme, People of the Forest. And as I suspect there will be many more in the foreseeable future, I am submitting this post to “Future” at Illustration Friday!
I was working on eyes for a while, and I really need to work on noses. I am quite pleased with the Silver Sprite above, my first of the nose studies. In trying to replicate that nose, I had a lot of trouble with the Fern Fairies, below:
The one on the right came first, and I have yet to do an acceptable nose repair job on her. I started with a too dark (and imprecise!) ink line on the bridge of her nose, then kept going darker trying to fix or cover it. Aaaah! For the second attempt (on the left) I went with a lighter touch, and a much better result. Some inspiration for these two came from Lisa Ferguson’s fairies, which I love!
Thanks so much for visiting! More People of the Forest cards in my illustratedatcs gallery, if you’re interested. Some may end up in my shop. :)
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Such imaginative characters!! You are too funny about the noses! Hey – there’s got to be something unique on everyone’s face, right? Or else the world would be a boring place, and we’d be calling everyone by the same name….could get confusing… ;)
These are great! I love the left fern fairy! The shiny eyes are amazing, and the noses look good to me! I see what you mean with the overworkingof the right fairy’s nose, but you’ll get there, for sure.
These are amazing, Cindy!! You have the eyes mastered!!! I’ve been so busy with the sign shop that I haven’t been by to visit lately. Love these!!
Another gorgeous batch of cards from you. You are sooooo good at these!
These noses kinda look like they are leaning against the glass :)
And I love the bear, although he looks like a teenager rapper to me (hmmm, do I have weird associations today?)
The “Fern Fairies are so different!! Don’t remember any male types before-but I could be wrong & the noses are very aristocratic looking-all can’t have pug noses-how boring would that be?? Just a Mom thought! Love, Mom
I know this is all about noses, and I would actually not mind having one of your cute nose jobs myself, but Bear the Wise is who captured my heart:-)
Haha, thank you! I am quite fond of Bear myself. :)
Cindy! These are great, Bear the Wise is leaping out at me. Something about that nose and the pattern in the background and that whole warm/cool combo. Nice work!
First of all I wish you a wonderful May. I’ve been away for a while. They look great to me!!! They have character and character is important!!!! Keep creating!!!
Calling one of your fern faires “nose troubles” made me laugh. Love the background detail in “bear the wise” and “two ferns” hair is fabulous, reminds me of blackberries.
Love the blue and aqua tones in these, Cindy. I agree with the others; you have mastered the eyes and the noses are just fine.
these are terrific!
Very nice, congrats
Rhinoplasty! You are multi-talented Cindy!I like the little red fern faires, especially the first one with the swirly cheeks.
Gorgeous jewel tones. Love the futuristic beings. Something to look forward to!
Terrific Cindy! Love these fern faries……especially the ones with the “nose jobs”….really adds character to them. Silver Pixie has a very elegant elongated nose. My favorite “People of the Forest” would have to be fae tracker…with the wood grain and bow/arrows. Reminds me of Hunger Games.
Amazing! I always drool when I’m looking at your art. :)
Great characters!!
I love the flower power! Still using the seductive eye technique I see!!
Love the forest creatures a lot. I like the way you use the collours and the doodling.thanks for sharing.
Liefs, Melanie
Your color choices in these was the first thing that wowed me about these, Cindy. …and the eyes. It’s always the eyes that personalize them for me. Good job!
I LOVE the fern fairies!! They are my favourites…they look like strong willed characters.