Legend of the Sleeping Tiger
5″ x 7″ Prismacolor pencils, Copics, Staedtler Triplus fineliners, Signo gel pen
Let me first say I still have my set of Prismacolor pencils from high school circa *cough* 1987. I was a big fan back then, but as you may recall, I abandoned the art for a couple decades (not recommended). I have since read (somewhere?) that the Prismacolor brand has gone downhill due to new owners, but I can neither confirm nor deny this item.
The tiger was done in new Prismacolors, because I bought a handful of warm bright colors (and b&w) for an experiment a couple months ago before digging through moving boxes for my old (battered) set. I think the color is quite nice, though I will confirm my black tip broke off shortly after being sharpened. Hmm.
I left the sketch alone for a while because I really liked it and didn’t want to mess with it! But I was inspired in part by meeting Diana Harlan Stein this weekend at Windycon and I finished this Sunday night after it ended. More about how that went next time. :)
Thanks for dropping in! I hope to get back to a regular schedule, and visit folks back properly, soon.
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Thought I answered one before saying “He must have been sleeping a long time to have so many mushrooms grow on his back. He is a cutie with or without!! OX Mom
Nice! Love the warmth of this! I still have MY first set of prismacolors pencils from the exact same time, Cindy! :)
Looks like the pencils worked for you! I like the warms here too.
Nice….love all the textures in the trees, mushrooms, and tiger. Very unusual and so creative!
Adorable! Just love all his mushrooms. The coloured pencils have really worked and make this a superb little piece of art.
Your composition, details, and lovely of drawing shine in this one. It is one of my favorites. What a peaceful happy tiger.
He is absolutely magnificent! The first time I looked at it, I was so dazzled by the tiger and the spectacular mushrooms that I failed to appreciate (or even notice) the phenomenally intricate details in the background. The delicate lines there – and the shadows thrown by the tiger – give the whole piece a really serene feeling. It’s magical!
I love the sleeping tiger. I, too, have materials from high school. My mother purchased a set of 72 Faber Castell pasels for me and I still use them. (dare I say 40+ Dears ago?) I could hardly afford that set now. LOL
A new trend in colour pencils maybe….???? Or just a twist of a idea. Adore your stories and how you take us all on the journey of creating.
Cindy, great illustration. As usual, I love your colors and textures. The sketch of the cat is good. I always like to see an illustrator’s sketch work.
Great cat!!! I love the radiant colors. That tiger has some very colorful dreams or the mushrooms are magical mushrooms. They are so colorful, they look like little lanterns.
He is beyond adorable…. I love him so sooo much! <3 You are so good with small sizes… sigh….