Today is January 7, 2023. I finished a painting on January 1. The painting is titled Louise, After the Recital, and here she is:

I hoped to do a painting every day, but the next one took three days, including many false starts. I didn’t give this one a name. Someone who saw it pointed out that the main character looks a bit like the Grinch, which is true.

I am on day three of the next painting, which got a name early on: Phoebe in the Aisle of Eyes. You’ll just have to come back and see. :-)
Thanks for dropping in! Happy 2023!
Oh, wonder-filled as always! Your imagination is refreshing, and your ability to bring it to life in a canvas is delightful.
Thanks for dropping by. Yes, I am still here… in and out… more out than in… but keeping the brush more (or less) wet;-)
Hello -so nice to see you! Thank you! Can you believe how the time flies? I mean, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised at this point. :)
I so love these fantastic creatures of yours! A painting a day is very ambitious, I’m already happy if i can just put a few marks on paper every day I said last year I was going to finish one artjournal. Of course I didn’t, but somehow the new year is giving me confidence that this year I WILL do it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!
Hello and thank you! I thought you had great productivity for last year considering everything. It’s still a struggle but I do think 2023 will be a good one. :)
Hello and Happy New Year! So happy to see your wonderful creatures again! I never tire of them (altho they may have little tolerance for me). Good to see you!
Hi Sheri! Thank you! Isn’t it funny how months can go by and here we are again!